Thursday, March 15, 2007

One of them weeks that...

...the weather reminds us winter is not far away mind seems to be on vacation and thus I can't remember what day it is, what I'm doing and keep doing frustratingly stupid little mistakes that are doing my head in

...I am bored, simply bored, not in a bad way, just bored

...little irratating chores get done, which is great

...I don't follow so closely current affairs and let my usual reading patterns slip, tis nice

...the internet simply seems dull and lifeless even though I know its not

...where to try and prove the above wrong I spend time on youtube, not a huge fan of watching video on the nerd, connection speeds here are sometimes/often too slow for it to be completely painless

...I think too much about stuff that need not be in my mind

...I'd rather be spending time with the family down in the Bay Of Plenty than stuck in the 'big smoke'

...Coronation street has been good and I am trying to break my street habit

...I keep getting a REM song stuck in my head and its not welcome, not a bad song mind you

...I wish I could find my Paperclip people album but like so many times before it alludes me, hiding in a box sniggering away, probably hanging with some cali punk band being tainted with inane thoughts

...the writing of lists can be quite enjoyable, liberating and also surprising

...where the microsoft updates painfully downlaod and install themselves, far too slowly and muck with my nerd time making browsing and the like frustrating

...I got the blue screen of death, which very rarely happens on me laptop, go go Bob pushing his graphics card far too hard

...I am bored by music, which isn't that uncommon... Bob wants to hear something he has never heard before and for it to blow his mind (a very common desire)

...I prefer silence to music much of the time, to someone whose adult life is rarely without background noise (usually music or the drone of the telly) of some sort, the sound of silence is a special kind of music

...I think again about tackling some books I have never finished

...worry about firends, revel in some friends awesome good fortune (hard work), remember people who were once friends and wonder what happened to them

...getting up is harder than usual

...going to bed is simply too easy, might have had too many early nights... Bob braces himself for a night of no sleep as a consequence

...I look forward to a sleepless night as its been a while (maybe I have finished with this insomnia lark) as I can do so much in those sleepless hours

...I get some physical paper mail, that isn't a bill nor is it exciting but its still a rare event (so thats what letter boxes are for...)

...I lose the Delete key, it fell off me puter, I miss it terribly and hope it finds a new keypad to grace

...I play the 'theme' album (Dead Kennedys - Fresh fruit For Rotting Vegetables) and remember a awesome period of my life from days gone by memory bugs me, I forget so much that I don't want to and remember so much that seems unimportant

...I listen to all the advertising targeting first year students on the radio and remember fondly that time of my life and wish I could repeat it but also glad I can't

...I think seriously about downloading all the BattleStar Galatica episodes and wonder why the hell this idea keeps popping into my mind

...I contemplate a trip into town, a big deal if you lived anywhere than where I do, for me its a 5 minute walk, but I do hate Queen St (what I call town, showing his regional upbring perhaps)

...I'm a bit grumpy and contemplative and blame the changing weather

its one of them weeks

Could be better and could be worse

*looks forward to the weekend*

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