Thursday, March 08, 2007

A new start

Anyone want to buy a shitload of weird music.... I need money to get me some Britney?

For I love Britney,

I really really do.

Not in a creepy old man wanting to touch a lovely young things bottom kinda way...

Oh no sir.

I respect her, I respect the way she lives her life... I want to protect her.

Not in a creepy old man wanting to 'protect' a lovely young things bottom kinda way...

No sir.

I want to protect her from those whom wish to cause her harm.

I want to support those whom support her.

I shall spend money with them whom profit by her life and as they have a vested interest in her I applaud the manner in which they seek to help her in times of crisis.

I think the world is lovely and love everybody.

Except for the creepy terrorists whom hate the fact I have Britney in my life and they don't.

I feel a load has lifted from my shoulders.

I've never felt so freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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