Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My forest is blighted

So all winter I waited for the tree outside to dress itself, a coat of green leaves. A bastion of nature and a source of privacy on the deck.

Well bugger me if the damn thing hasn't got some sort of disease or something. One side of the tree's leaves have withered and look to be dead.

I can only think that this may be due to some spraying (of what I have no idea) that might have been done whilst they have been building various motorway extensions and changes - I live near the motorway.

Whatever the reason the tree isn't looking its normal healthy self, and that sucks. Not just because I've had to move my nude star jumping indoors, again, which is tramatic enough, but its simply sad. Poor tree :(

I blame capitalism!

1 comment:

cathy said...

Holy Crap! so now I understand the need to refresh commonly visited sites...I was still on the voting cartoon entry..getting damn angry at your lack of talking. AHHHHH now a decent half hour later, a belly laugh that would've stopped a theif in the street...and I feel like I've had ta morning in with Bob.
Was a pleasure