Saturday, December 02, 2006

The second coming... secrets and I'm confused... its saturday

So we have a new National Party leader...

You'd think the way some are talking that Jesus had risen

Its not disimilar to the talk of the impending launch of iTunes, of which there is much speculation, conjecture and well so much hot air one need not go near a towel.

So is John Key going to rescue the National Party, I think not, but he will revitalise the party somewhat, though any new leader would have the same effect. Me I don't trust him for some reason, I had more faith in Don Brash who really never showed one iota of the intelligence nor skill he must command, his naivity was his downfall.

Key's confidence and followers may be his downfall.

As will be the desire to move the party more to the political centre, no doubt forcing the more hard liners to be attracted to Act and the like and I doubt there are too many Labourites that Key can win over.

If we were still under a first past the post system, National would all but be assured of a victory at the next election, under MMP a system they still show no ability to grasp I think not.

Why the hell I am even typing about this I have no idea, it bores me silly.

As for iTunes, I know when its launching, well not quite for even Apple doesn't know that, I know the date range and its a secret I wish I didn't know for its the lamest secret and reason for being I could think of.

If this is Apples usual business mode then its no wonder Microsoft rules the earth.

If Jesus would rise this christmas I doubt he'd have a ipod, though he certainly wouldn't have a zune, strange how quickly people stopped talking of that puppy, what 30 seconds after the launch and no one cares. Not that this will stop Microsoft they have the fortitude and resources to force it to work, given time they may conquer, if only the ipod falls out of the fashionable stake.

Why the Hell I am even typing about this I have no idea, it bores me silly.

There ya go two things that to varying degrees will impact directly on my world, one more than the other and I'm bored.

Needs more PeadPR

actually no it doesn't

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