Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Musical interludes that make me smile

The past couple of walks to work I've come across a gent playing the flue, he stands under one of the motorway overbridges which I walk under on my daily wander.

Its only happned twice but I do hope this chance encounter continues, for not only does his flute playing sound quite accomplished, its a jolly fine sound to walk past each morning.

You can't really talk to a flautist due to the nature of how one interacts with a flute, I do hope my smiles and Fridays claps were indication enough to show my pleasure to the man.

Over summer I had a similar experience, pretty much everyday as I returnd home someone in the block of apartments in which I live plays the bagpipes, and it just happened that each day as I got home they would be playing. I am no big bagpipe fan but I really enjoyed the minute or so of play I would hear before entering the building.

Sometimes its the little things that make your day... to these players I can say thank you and play on.

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