Sunday, April 15, 2007

Who am I

Your dominant tribes are Grey Lynn and Raglan

You cherish the notion of living simply, in harmony with nature. You're motivated to put principles into practice rather than just talking the talk.

The Grey Lynn Tribe - Intellectual

The highly educated intelligentsia who value ideas above material things and intellectualise every element of their lives. Their most prized possession is a painting by the artist of the moment, they frequent film festivals, secretly wish they had more gay and Maori friends, feel guilty about discussing property values and deep down are uneasy about their passion for rugby.

The Raglan Tribe Free spirited

The independent spirits who value the ability to live a life according to their own priorities, not the consumerist pressures for material aggrandizement. They tend to be highly sensate and internally focussed hedonists, or spiritual journeyers, fitness fanatics or adrenaline junkies. Many Kiwis join the Raglan tribe for three weeks at Christmas.

For more information about your dominant tribes please follow these links:-

The Grey Lynn Tribe - Intellectual
The Raglan Tribe Free spirited

All Tribes

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