Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm angry, why?

News of Saddam's death reached me the day after, due to the blissful isolation one wraps oneslf in whilst beaching, boozing and BBQ'ing over New Years.

I'm disgusted.

I'll elaborate on this another time, for right now I am still giving the brain as much time off as possible - its a delicate wee thing.

I feel guilty too, I'm confused, for I feel sorry and saddened by Saddam Hussein's execution, a man I should have nothing but loathing for. He was not a good man, nor a great man. he was pretty much all our western news tells us.

Yet he and his many victims deserved better than a kanaroo court show trial and a hanging on the eve of a very significant Muslim holiday - a holiday that is all about forgiveness.

Our US friends in power have created a martyr and to be able to do so with such a vile character as Saddam is truely a show of the skill Bush and co weld. they are the magic men.

I feel angry, very very angry about it all.

Welcome to another sad chapter in the fall of the USA....


Its time for them that have dealt so many death cards to be held accountable... Blair, Bush, Howard and co. you are the mass murderers of our time, I wish you the same fate as Saddam Hussein - only with a fair trial. Your guilt is unquestionable and you should not be allowed a comfrotable retirement milking the speech circuit or as boardmembers of them companies you have so ably assisted.

Happy fucking New Year people, hold tight 07 has started

1 comment:

Captain USpace said...

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never confront Islamists

just let them push you around
change your culture to fit them

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wept
when Saddam was killed

he wanted him pissed on
being dragged through Baghdad